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2016 First Annual Punkiedoodle

doodle romp / reunion



Here at Punkiedoodles,  we love to keep up on our past puppies.  In the 8 weeks that we have them in our home with our family, we get very attached.  We are very fortunate to have such wonderful adoptive families that keep us up to date with photos and emails on their furbabies.

This summer we decided to try a doodle romp / reunion with our Punkiedoodle families.  We welcomed 8 of our 18 pups to our home to reunite with each other and their birth mommy.  Everyone had a great time watching the dogs play, and were amazed on the behavior of each and every one.  They were so well behaved with each other and with everyone there.  There was not the first growl or snarl out of any of them.  

 It was such a success that we plan to do it again next year.

Please enjoy a slideshow from our romp and a few other photos sent in of others that were not able to make it.


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